
Crying of Dog


Do you get irritated when your dog starts to whine? This is a common issue for many dog owners. Worst of all, it often seems like your dog waits until you are comfortable in bed at night, trying to go to sleep, before it decides to start waking up the neighbourhood!


Are you a dog owner that is upset because your canine companion whines all the time? Are you scared that your adorable pup may be ill, or that something serious could be wrong? When your pup does whine, do you get mad at her for such irrational behaviour?


If you answered YES to any of the above questions, the first thing to know is that you are not alone. Dogs that whine incessantly is one of the most common complaints of dog owners the world over! 


Getting upset or getting mad at your friend (however justified you feel in doing this) is unlikely to have a positive impact on the situation.

Dog cries are very painful to hear. Animals cannot talk like humans and thus they express their feelings by making different sounds. Dogs whine, cry or bark to show their emotions. A dog cries normally when it is scared.


Dog cries are a natural alerting system present in every canine. That doesn't matter whether the dog is wild or a pet, dog acts this way when it feels left alone or scared. A dog that is detached from its pack will cry in order to attract the attention of its pack and rejoin it.


There could be numerous reasons why your dog whines. So, in order to stop your dog from whining frequently you will first have to learn the cause behind it.


Thus you should not be worried if your new dog whines a lot. This is kind of a built in feature in every dog. When you bring in a puppy for the first time in your house, you ultimately change the entire environment for the pup. You must not expect that your dog will adjust the moment you bring them home.It is very important to remember that a dog whines because it is trying to express its emotions to you. It is like a baby in a lot of ways. It wants to communicate with you to tell you what is wrong, but it can't talk! So instead, it whines.


Dog cries must be expected for the first few days. In fact, it's your attitude towards your new dog that will determine how fast these dog cries diminish. New dogs require extensive training so that they are able to adjust in your environment. Even if you purchase a well trained adult dog, bear in mind that the dog has been trained at some other location and the dog might need some time and help in order to adjust at your place.


Do not shut off your dog outside if your dog cries in the night. Even humans at times get scared or upset in the dark. This is not something un-natural. Instead in order to treat your dog, you must allow it to sleep in your room for the first few days. This does not mean that you allow the pup onto your bed the very first day. There should be certain restrictions and out of bound areas taught to the canine from the very first day.


Your dog could be feeling pain, excitement, anxiety or some kind of fear. Even if you feel that your whining dog is only trying to get your attention, you must not avoid this situation. This is an indication that your dog probably is afraid that you might abandon it, and you need to take action.The longer you leave this situation unresolved, the worse it will become!


You can arrange a crate or an open Kennel which can be placed in a corner of your room or in the corridor facing your room. If the dog cries a lot, it may be allowed to sleep in the kennel, but you must gradually place the kennel a little farther from your room till you reach the place where you want your dog to be settled permanently.


Training dogs is a time consuming process, but is a responsibility that comes with owning an animal. You need to be consistent and patient in your attitude towards your pet. Stephanie Abel has written a best-selling book on dog separation anxiety, and indicates that dog cries are not necessarily something that indicates a sick dog. Dog cries are rather a pointer towards a sad or scared dog. Meet Stephanie and learn various training methods to help your beloved pet to overcome their fear of being alone!


There is a possibility that if your pup whines a lot it might be sick or injured. But this is only a possibility! It may also mean that your dog is sad, depressed or scared. Just like humans, dogs also have feelings. You may want to do some investigation to find out the real reason for your dog's behaviour before starting a course of medication or other extreme treatment.


Remember that dogs cannot talk. They can communicate their feelings only by barking or whining. That's the only communication methods they have available to them. When a dog whines, this means that your dog has a problem or needs something. First and foremost examine your dog thoroughly to check if there is any medical problem. A dog can indicate pain only by whining.


If there is no medical problem then you would need to take a step further in order to investigate why your dog whines so much. Another reason could be boredom. Dogs are very active and intelligent animals. A dog that is lazy might be a dog with a problem. Normally, a dog whines in order to indicate that it is getting bored and it needs some kind of stimulation. You must keep your dog busy for as long as a possible. Taking your dog to obedience training, or undertaking your own training with your dog, will help to keep its mind and body active and stem most issues.


Even a simple "Stay" command would be sufficient to keep your dogs mind out of boredom. This would make the dog feel that it is doing something important for its master. This simple trick might be sufficient to keep dog from whining in your home.


One must never punish a whining dog thinking this might treat the pet. There is nothing more depressing and cruel than punishing your dog instead of helping it. It will leave both you and your dog hurt. Instead you must train your dog by teaching it different methods to respond to various situations. A whining dog is not an incurable dog. All kind of dogs can stop whining if they are taught what kind of behaviour is expected of them.


A few more reasons that may trigger dog whines are fear, bossy attitude of your dog or having a dog with a demanding nature. In such situations you must use efficient parenting skills to teach your dog good habits. Remember that a well trained dog should whine only when it is sick or in trouble. If your dog whines frequently then it will be difficult for you to know when they are truly in trouble, and this could lead to disaster.


The first thing to do is start to think of your dog more like a human baby. For example, your dog might whine as it knows when it has done this in the past you have given it a treat, played with it or taken it for a walk.


First and foremost you must learn to stop reacting immediately to your whining dog. Instead you could train your dog to sit obediently till you are free and then entertain the pet's request. This would give the dog an impression that you are actually giving it a reward for its obedient behaviour. This type of training is essential to teach your dog that you are the master and must be obeyed.


Another reason for the anxiety of your whining dog might be that it is left alone at home for long hours. If you are a person who has to stay out of home or travel long distances then it is compulsory that you efficiently treat your dog to face such situations and enjoy them. There is nothing more heart breaking than a whining dog looking at you with longing eyes while you leave your door step.

In a lot of cases, a whining dog is a sign of a condition known as Dog Separation Anxiety.


Some tips of dealing with excessive whining, barking and howling include:


Ø  If your puppy or dog is howling or whining while confined to its crate, immediately take it to its toilet area.  Most puppies and dogs will whine when they need to do their business.


Ø  It is important to teach a dog or a puppy to accept being alone.  Many dogs suffer from separation anxiety, and these stressed dogs can exhibit all sorts of destructive and annoying behaviours.  It is important to accustom the puppy to being left on its own, even when the owner is at home.


Ø  Always strive to make the puppy or dog as comfortable as possible.  Always attend to the physical and psychological needs of the dog by providing food, water and toys.


Ø  If the dog is whining, check for obvious reasons first.  Is the water dish empty?  Is the dog showing signs of illness?  Has his or her favourite toy rolled under the furniture?  Is the temperature of the room too hot or too cold?


Ø  Do not reward the puppy or dog for whining.  If the dog whines when left alone, for instance, it would be a mistake to go to the dog every time it whines.


Ø  After you have ensured that the dog’s physical needs are being met, and that discomfort is not responsible for the whining, do not hesitate to reprimand the dog for inappropriate behaviour.


Another common reason is that your dog is suffering from separation anxiety. This is a very common, but often misunderstood, clinical disorder that leads to dogs whining, crying and tearing your home apart when you are away.