Spotting Dog

No two dogs have the same temperament even with dogs of the
same breed. Typically though, dogs of the same breed share more of the same characteristics. When decided in
adopting a dog, choose dog characteristics and traits that you want. If you lead an active lifestyle for example,
do not adopt a dog with a phlegmatic character that will be content to hang around the house much of the time,
eating, and sleeping. To select the right dog, select those that closely resemble your lifestyle. Listed are
characteristics and traits of dogs that you may want to consider.
Dogs have a wide range of sizes. From tiny toy dogs as small
as your coffee mug to giant dogs that seem more like a bundle of muscle than dog.
Small dogs are most vulnerable
and are often associated with female owners. They are cute, dainty, very delicate and oftentimes boisterous. If you
want a pet that you can carry with you, a small dog – toy or lapdog – is a perfect choice.
Make no mistake, though. Small dogs do not always make for
behaved dogs. As if to compensate for their small size, some small dogs develop tough dog attitudes. Be prepared to
do plenty of obedience training to curb their small dog aggressiveness. People living in small apartments have the
tendency to adopt small breeds. Understandably, the consideration for many is the available space. When you have
small children though, it is not wise to have small dogs around a small space. Small dogs are very energetic and
highly active creatures that will tend to topple things aside from not being safe to be around little
Mid-size dogs, on the other hand, are ideal for most kinds of
keepers – from children, adult to old people. As middle range dogs, they tend to get along with all sorts of
training, environment, and people. All these benefits do not apply to all mid-sized dogs.
Large dogs on the other hand are slower and more placid. If
you have the time to get the dog out regularly for walks and exercise, a large dog will fit in nicely even when the
space is limited. Larger dogs though cost more to maintain. Giant dogs, big as they are, are perfect for people who
have the space, budget, and patience for big animals. They require more food, more supplies, more space, and more intensive
training. Compared to other dog sizes, giant dogs are more functional and more fun to be with, especially if you
are the type of owner who loves the outdoors.
Love – All dogs love, but some dogs have the tendency to
display their affection better than others do.
Gregariousness – There are dogs that are extra sociable that
they are best suited for walks outside of the house.
Friendly – Dogs in general are friendly except sometimes with
other dogs. There are dog breeds however that are more patient and do not get easily threatened by other dogs
making them ideal for walks, hunting and the outdoors.
Fiercely loyal – This dog characteristic is best for people
who need the calming assurance of loyalty around them.
Playful – Playful dogs are for people who want excitement and
fun. Boxers and Retrievers are fine examples of very playful animals. If you do not mind a lot of running around
and tail wagging, playful dogs should be on the top of your list.
Athletic - Dogs are almost similar in temperament to playful
dogs although they are bred to be sturdier but not necessarily be as playful.
Docile – Dogs are typically obedient dogs.
Quiet – Dogs are dog breeds that rarely bark and are good for
people who live in apartments and places where noise has to be kept low.
While these traits or at least a good mix of them are found in
most dogs, the characteristics are dominant to particular breeds.
If you are the kind of person who likes peace and quiet around
the house, find dogs that are peaceful and quiet by nature. Likewise, if you are the type that loves the outdoors
and is athletic, find a dog that has the stamina to keep up and do not get easily distracted. Active and athletic
dog types would need their daily requirement of hard running and long walks. Without that energy is pent up and
they could potentially be destructive inside the house.
Who would not want an intelligent dog? The sad thing about
this is that you cannot have all the characteristics that you want written down to one dog. Intelligent dogs are
those that could pick up a command with five exposures and does not forget even when the command is not repeated
often. Intelligent dogs are best for everyone but so much better for people who get easily frustrated and do not
have the time enough to train dogs. You have to make a good choice. There are various dog breeds that have a higher
percentage of intelligence than other breeds.
Today, dogs are popular toys, even as fashion statements. Dogs
though are more important than that. Yes they are good companions and playmates. More than anything else dogs are
protectors, workers, watchers, guides etc. Depending on the purpose that you want your dog to do, breeds are good
guides in determining the right kind of dog for the right kind of purpose that you have in mind.
Not all people who adopt a dog do so only to make them as a
pet. There are owners who seek to put their dogs to use according to the dog's activity or training. Some are made
into therapy dogs, others as guide dogs. If you are considering a dog for specific purposes, you are advised to
pick ones that have undergone special training or, in general, have the traits suitable for the
These are some of the things that you may
want to determine first before adopting a dog, because you may not want just any dog. You want a dog that you could
live with and have fun with for a long, long time.