After the time of incubation, which proceeds for 13 – 14 days,
the baby – birds start hatching. They knock the shell from inside with the help of “the egg – tooth”, which is a
small chalk tentacle on the upper side of the beak and with its help baby – birds manage to make a hole, which they
broaden gradually. At last they are able to get out of the egg, breaking its obtuse end. According to some people
the just – born birds look like “touching beasts " – nestlings with some fluffs, big raised shut eyes and wide-open
hungry beaks.
Family life
Only the female bird warms babies and just on the next day it
starts feeding them. On the day of hatching they do not need any food – the yolk that it still in their abdominal
cavity as reserve is enough. The male canary takes care of providing food – it often feeds the babies by pouring
grounded food into their beaks. The female bird looks after the cleanness into the nest – she either eats alone or
takes out of the nest the excrements of the babies that are covered in mucus. In about 7 – 8 days the mucus
membrane stops forming and small birds sit on the nest's edge alone, put their posteriors out and shoot their
excrements away. Cares in the nest take about 16 days. After that young birds leave the nest, but their parents
continue to feed them additionally for a certain time.
ADVICE: If the bird cage is big enough, leave the family
together. But if the female bird starts pulling its feathers out to build a new nest you should separate the young
birds from their parents.
Controlling the nest
You can quietly look in the nest until the 14th day.
Then it is better to leave everything in peace. If small canaries stay deeply crouched and cuddle into each other
into the nest, it is very dangerous if you put your hand inside. They can get freighted and to go out of the nest
and thus to hurt themselves.
ADVICE: If it happens so that a small canary falls out of the
nest, take it into your palms and hold it at least for half an hour near the radiator. Only then return it back to
the nest.
During the time of incubation and breeding the small
Give calcium to the female birds. Generation of eggs spends
calcium in great amounts from its body.
Add additional nourishing mixtures for the growth of small birds
(they can be found in zoo – shops). They should be at disposal of parent birds all the time while they feed the
baby – birds. Besides, often control these mixtures to be fresh. They should be loose and easily to break them to
Growth of baby – birds
1 st – 5 th day. Baby – canaries are still with eyes shut and
take up embryonic position; they lie down with their bellies up without stretching their necks.
6 th day. They open their eyes. The tubules on feathers can be
clearly seen
7 th – 8 th day. Canaries start shooting alone their excrements
out of the nest.
12 th day. The tubules covering the feathers now get torn and
feathers grow.
17 th – 18 th . Yong canaries leave the nest, but they are still
additionally fed by their parents.
30 th day. Young birds are fully independent.
2 nd – 6 th month. Languishing because of “youth change ". All
feathers are changed except for the flying ones. All feathers get the same full colour that old birds have and now
the young ones are sexually mature.