Ferret Care

Considering Ferrets as pets

When it comes to getting ourselves or our children a pet, most of us think of a playful puppy or fuzzy kitty, but chances are few of us think about “adopting” a ferret. Yet, according to experts these curious creatures are quite fun-loving and lovable. Not to mention that they adapt fairly well to apartment living making them “ideal” if you’re looking for a pet that’s easy to take care of.


Furthermore, the domestic ferret is adorned by opulent fur, which varies in colour from off-white to dark brown. There are also albino ferrets whose white fur fades to yellow over time and with age. There are angora ferrets which have long hair on hind legs and rear part of their bodies. And, some recent cross breeding offers a “new” breed of silver-furred ferrets.


However, experts note that taking care of a ferret does require a bit more understanding and work than with your “average” pet. Unlike a cat or dog, a ferret cannot be left unsupervised and requires a substantially sized cage (allowing the animal to roam around comfortable while you are at work).


Experts also suggest ensuring that the litter box is solid and securely attached to the floor of the cage so that it doesn’t accidentally get knocked over while the ferret is “exploring” and playing. Keep the litter box away from the ferret’s eating area. It also requires water bowls and toys to be kept inside the cage.


Lining the floor of the cage with a carpet gives your ferret a soft cage surface. Linoleum tiles is another cage flooring option. After you install the carpet, watch the ferret carefully for a few days. If the ferret tries to chew on the carpet fibres, replace the carpet with tiles. Clean your ferret’s cage twice a week.


Ferrets do also need time to roam free. In fact, experts recommend at least on hour of supervised exercise daily. But they suggest erring on the side of caution, since their curious nature can cause them to go exploring or to wander off and potentially getting hurt. Also, because they are relatively small and lightweight, they can easily burrow into small spaces, urging experts to suggest keeping a keen eye out on your pet’s activities, as well as covering up any holes, cracks, or other crevices and small spaces.


Ferrets, under the proper care and supervision can live to be 10 years old. Experts remind ferret owners (or want-to-be owners) that ferrets are carnivores and should be fed high quality, dry cat food. Also, they should occasionally be offered small chunks of veggies or fruit, and bathed once a week using a mild shampoo. And, don’t forget to clip the claws periodically.


Finally, find a good vet and remember to keep up with regular visits and annual check-ups. They require regular vaccinations and check-ups. Annual health check-ups for ferrets up to 5 years of age and six monthly check-ups for ferrets older than 5 years of age is recommended.

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