Discus Fish Behaviour

The first thing that you need to do is to
understand the behaviour of the discus fish. You have to keep in mind that juvenile discus fish can be
aggressive when it comes to eating. However, as they grow up or mature, you will find that their eating
behaviours will start to change and they will also start to become graceful.
You also have to remember that discus fish likes
to live in groups. This is how they are in their natural habitat. So, this is basically the reason why you
have to try and give your discus fish a number of other discus fish swimming in the same fish tank. It is
recommended to have at least 6 discus fish inside an aquarium. This is to prevent them from getting lonely
and also prevent them from getting aggressive against their own kind.
Discus fish are shy types of fishes. This is why
you also need to put some ornaments and plants inside the aquarium. These things will serve as a place to
hide for your discus fish.
Also, you have to remember that discus fish are
quite sensitive to noise. So, you may want to put them in a place in your home where there is less traffic
and less noise. Avoid putting your discus fish aquarium in areas in your home where it receives a lot of
traffic, such as your living room. This will subject your discus fish with high levels of stress, which will
eventually cause them to get sick.
You should also keep in mind that discus fish are
very reactive with their environment. So, place the aquarium containing discus fish in an area in your home
that doesn’t receive a lot of traffic. High traffic can produce high levels of stress.
You should equip your aquarium with different
corals or coral like ornaments which the discus fish can hide in or at least have some privacy. If these are
not available, you can buy some potted plants. These are also good places where the fish can spawn. You
should also keep your tank in a quiet area in your home away from noise so as not to startle the fish.
Failure to do so will stress out the fish and can cause anxiety which can lead to their early
Discus fish are very temperamental but if you do
the necessary research and apply it in taking care of the discus fish in your aquarium, you will be able to
have a discus fish that will thrive in your aquarium and also grow happy and healthy.