
Monsoon Dog Care


Keep the paws dry: During monsoons, the dogs are exposed to moisture, which can give rise to pododermatitis. Moisture during walks to parks and wet streets will weaken the follicles which leads to skin inflammation in the paws. Don’t leave your dog’s paws wet for long. Use blotting paper to wipe them clean. Rinse with clean water and blow-dry the paws after every walk.


If you have a long coat dog, keep the fur between the paw-pads trimmed. This will keep the mud that can stuck, off the paws. Ensure their nails are not clipped too close to the skin to prevent bleeding and infection.


Away from dirty water: There is a danger of water-borne diseases from contaminated water. The symptoms are vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and appetite loss. We need to make sure that the dog is drinking clean water only. In case of infection, feed them rice and yoghurt and the symptoms will go away within a few days. If the problem is aggressive, a visit to the vet is required.


Cleaning ears once a day: Wet weather makes dogs susceptible to ear infections. During monsoons, clean the dog’s ears with a cotton bud every day. At other times during the year, it is fine if the dog’s ears are cleaned once in a month. In case you are not sure if you can do a thorough ear cleaning job, you can take the dog to the nearest pet grooming centre where they can do a thorough ear cleaning job.


Danger of frogs and lizards: During rains, frogs and lizards increase. Keep the dog away from frogs and lizards as they are extremely toxic to the dog. Keep an eye on the dog as frogs and lizards crawl about randomly everywhere. In case the dog has any one of them in the mouth, it is better to induce vomiting by placing vinegar or salt at the back of its tongue and take the dog to vet immediately.


Keep coat and fur dry: Wipe the dog dry every time it gets wet. This will avoid damp coat and the resultant bad odour. Brush the dog at vigorously twice a day. Dog powders and dog deodorants also can be used which are readily available at pet shops.


Problem of ticks: Monsoon is the breeding time for ticks. To prevent the dog becoming infested with ticks or fleas, use tick collars and consult your vet about oral medication. It is to be noted that medicating the dog yourself has to be avoided.


In case there is an existing infestation of ticks or fleas, give the dog a bath with an anti-tick shampoo and rub with anti-tick ointment. It is further required to physically remove ticks or fleas from the dog’s coat. While physically removing the insects, dump them in a jar or kerosene or water mixed with detergent so that the ticks are killed and not left in the house to be attacking the dog again.