Dog Basics

You can’t buy friendship, but you
can buy a dog for sure. And, on the loyalty scale, it is second to none. That it has earned the honour of the man’s
best friend shows how close the dog is to our heart. Loyalty and unconditional love-qualities that are hard to find
in its nearest rival and pet, the cat, or some would say even in people around us-make it the pet of choice for
Compared with other pets, dogs are
more interactive. They are intelligent, easy-to-handle and can be as supportive as you want them to be. Being
trainable, they can also be made to assist humans in many ways. Some breeds, for example, can guard your house.
However, just like any other purchase, buying a puppy could be tricky. There are many things you would need to keep
in mind after you have zeroed down on the suitable breed for you.
Different breeds are priced
differently. For example, a German Spitz may be cheaper than a Pomeranian. In every breed, there are different
qualities of puppies available. Puppies that are better bred are costlier.
Picking the right
The right breed for you will depend
on factors such as liking, breed attitude, feasibility and availability.
Liking: A matter of personal
preference, mostly influenced by looks. You might want to buy a Dalmatian after watching 101 Dalmatians or a
pug after watching the Vodafone/Hutch ad.
Breed Attitude: Different breeds
have different temperaments and behaviour with strangers. Get a friendly dog if you have kids at home. If you have
lots of strangers visiting your place, go for a breed that is suspicious of strangers. You might also want the dog
to accompany you on your morning walk or to guard your home. This will help you zero down on a few
Feasibility: This would include
size, maintenance, expenses and other factors. The consent of family members is also important.
Factors influencing
Space Angle: If you are living in an
apartment, it is best to go for a breed that needs little to moderate exercise. Avoid the ones that are very sporty
by nature. However, it needs to be mentioned that the amount of exercise a dog needs has got nothing to do with its
size. Some dogs may be big but still not need much exercise. But, big dogs are best avoided if you are living in an
apartment. All dogs love to play. The house or the apartment should have enough space for the dogs to get the full
joy of playing. Lack of exercise and space may lead to bad behaviour.
Maintenance: This has both a time
and cost element. Dogs need to be fed and maintained properly for them to be healthy and cheerful.
Grooming: The length and the type of
hair decide the amount of grooming required, which could be time taking and expensive at times, as it includes
using hair spray, shampoo, hair conditioner, hair colour and so on.
Health: Some breeds, such as those
with a short nose, require more care than others. Before deciding upon a breed, one should consider talking to
owners of that particular breed and reading about specific health problems relating to that breed.
Food: Bigger and active dogs consume
more food. Food can account for over 40 per cent of the total expenditure incurred on maintaining a dog.
Availability: Breeds like the German
Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Pug, Beagle, Cocker Spaniel, Lhasa Apso and Doberman Pinscher are
easily available. If you want a rare breed, it could be difficult.
Points of
Purchase: After you have decided on the breed you want to buy, the next step is to get a fix
on where you want to purchase it from. Three options are most common:
Pet Shops: Though the first option
that strikes a pet lover, it may not always be the best. Carefully examine factors such as hygiene, health, the
puppy’s pedigree and the firm’s experience in dog-rearing. Get the puppy examined by a vet. Also examine the
weight, activity level, appetite and whether the puppy/its parents are vaccinated and dewormed. The puppy should be
more than eight weeks of age before it is ready to leave its mother and go to a new home.
Veterinary Clinics/Reference: A good
option to find a healthy, but not necessarily the best-bred dog. If you are buying from a vet, take a second
opinion from another vet.
Breeders; Buying a puppy from
experienced breeders that specialises in a specific breed type is the preferred way of purchase. However, one needs
to carefully examine the firm’s credibility and the dog’s pedigree and check if the dog’s parents have won any dog
shows. Also, the breeder should not be a puppy mill where profits, and not quality is the main concern. Try to find
details about the puppy’s parents, how many litters the mother has conceived, health of the current and previous
litters, vaccination/health records of the parents etc.
Breeds: A
brief description of some of the breeds of dogs is given below:
Size of a Male (in Inches)
Exercise Needed
Guarding Ability
Behaviour with Children
Potential Problems

Ideal family dog. Loves retrieving objects. Good as a guide dog for

Good life expectancy and easily trained.
Very Good
Ears tangle. Tends to become overweight.

Happy, intelligent, loving and easy to manage
Very Good
Exertion causes breathing problems.

Lively dog with an exuberant nature. Needs sound training.
Very Good
Very Good
Could go boisterous. May even enjoy scrap.

Fearless, needs careful training to counteract its wild instincts.
Good with own family
May fight. Not warm with strangers at all.

Good family dog if correctly raised. Loyal, affectionate and
Good with own family.
Needs engagement and careful early training.

Amusing little dog with a lively nature. Responds very well to
Fairly Good
Suspicious of strangers.